Title of photo collage is "Washington DC Trip 2024" Photo 1: four students stand outside in front of a white fence Photo 2: Group photo of students in blue NAMS Hoodies on the stairs of the US Capital Photo 3: Group of 20 student walk towards body of water with the Washington Monument in the backgorund Photo 4: 7 students smile at camera in from of a water fountain
Title of photo collage is "NAMS Curriculum Night March 2024" Photo1: student is at a table examining an artifact Photo 2: thre student ambassadors slime at camer while seated at a teble in fornt of a sighn reading "Have questions about NAMS? Ask us" Photo 3: family walks up to Kona Ice food truck Photo 4: Family interacts with videos via iPads set up an a table Photo 5: Teacher talks to 2 students Photo 6: 4 people smilt at camera holding shaed ice treat Photo 7: fmaily looks at artifacts set out on a table Photo 8: 5 people line up at Kona Ice food truck
10 photos in a collage on a blue background. Photos 1: adult helps 4 students fix a plate of pancakes. Photo: 2 students smiling at camera with a plate of panckaes while standing outside. Photo 3: 5 students smile at camera standing outwside with a plate of pancakes in from ot a brick wall. Photo 4: two student sit on a sidewalk eating pancakes. Photo 5: adult helps a student fix a plate of pancakes. Photo 6 adult is outside at fixing pancakes on an electric griddle. Photo 7: Students sitting on sidewalk smiling at camera with a pancake on a plate  Photo 8: 3 student smile at camera holding a plate with pancakes while outside Photo 9: three students smile at camera standing in front of a brick wall with a plate of pancakes. Photo 10: student smiles at camera with a plate of pancakes while standing outside of a school
10 photos in a collage on a blue background. Photo 1: band students play Photo 2: footbal team huddles Photo 3: teahcers and students smile at cemra with instruments Photo4: student poses for picture Photo 5: group poses outside of school bus Photo 6: student gets book signed by author Alan Gratz Photo 7: 2 students psoe and wave at camera while sitting on bleachers Photo 8: band student smile at camera with instruments Photo 9: NAMS Logo Photo 10: Girls soccer team huddles
Collage of 6 photosw on a background that faes form teal to yellow. Photo 1: Student holds up peace sign while smiling with spoon in mouth and ziplock bag of homemade ice cream Photo 2: three student (torso shown only) holding up a bag of ice cream and a spponful each. Photo 3: two students pick up material for making ice cream Photo 4: two teachers smil at camera wearing aprons and lab classes Photo 5: teacher helps student assmble ice cream bag Photo 6: student smile at camer with bag and spoonful of ice cream.

North Asheboro Middle


Here Comes the Bus App

Asheboro City Schools is proud to announce the rollout of the app, Here Comes the Bus. This app will help parents and guardians stay connected to their children’s bus route information. 

Here Comes the Bus allows parents to easily view the location of their child’s bus in real-time. It also includes an interactive map that displays the route the bus is taking, as well as its estimated time of arrival. Alerts can be sent to parents when the bus is close to the stop and when it has arrived. 

For parents of bus riders, here are sign-up instructions:
1. Download the Here Comes the Bus app or visit herecomesthebus.com
2. Click the “Sign Up” button
3. Enter school code 30109 and click “Next” followed by “Confirm”
4. Complete the “User Profile” box
5. Under “My Students,” click “Add.” Enter your child’s last name and student ID
6. Once you confirm your information, you’re ready to begin

The Here Comes the Bus app is available to download now on iOS and Android devices. For more information, visit the Here Comes the Bus website"
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NAMS Facebook

Upcoming Events


Basketball: NAMS @ SERMS

***Final Date TBD 1/7 or 1/8***
Tickets are $5. First game starts at 4:30pm.

Girl's team plays first and Boy's team plays second until 1Nov 12 - Dec 5

Boy's team plays first and Girl's team second from Dec 9 - Jan 13


Basketball: NAMS @ SAMS

Tickets are $5. First game starts at 4:30pm.

Girl's team plays first and Boy's team plays second until 1Nov 12 - Dec 5

Boy's team plays first and Girl's team second from Dec 9 - Jan 13


Wrestling: SWRMS, NAMS @ RMS

All matches start at 4:30pm. Tickets are $5.

Basketball: NERMS @ NAMS

Tickets are $5. First game starts at 4:30pm.

Girl's team plays first and Boy's team plays second until Nov 12 - Dec 5

Boy's team plays first and Girl's team second from Dec 9 - Jan 13

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